Last week, AT&T launched its GigaPower internet service in and around Kansas City with a curious type of tiered pricing: $70 a month if you let the company track your web browsing — and $99 if you don’t. In effect, AT&T is taking its baseline product – internet service with tracking – and, for an additional $29 a month, removing something.
This is an interesting twist on a standard product marketing strategy known as “versioning.” With versioning, a marketer takes a base product – say a DVD player – and offers the plain vanilla unit for one price, one with bells and whistles for a higher amount, and a stripped down version at a discount. What marketers don’t normally do is strip a product down and raise the price. You can imagine that this could backfire badly if consumers feel they’re being taken for a ride. But done thoughtfully, charging a premium for a product that lacks certain components can deliver value to companies and customers alike. Simply identify an aspect of your base offering that some segment of customers will willingly (“willingly” is key) pay to avoid, and remove it. Let’s call it a “product-minus” strategy.
Decaffeinated coffee is a case in point. The base offering has caffeine — and it’s a key feature for many coffee drinkers. Although it’s not expensive to decaffeinate coffee beans, it does add to the product’s cost. Subtract the caffeine and raise the price enough to preserve your margin but not so much that you piss off customers. Starbucks, for example, sells Pike Place roast whole bean for $11.95 a pound but charges a dollar more for the same product, minus the caffeine.
It’s not hard to think of cases where companies already have a product-minus offering but don’t charge more for it. Fragrance-free versions of “regular” products come to mind. Mennen Speed Stick antiperspirants and deodorants, for example, come in a profusion of scents – Regular, Musk, Irish Spring, Ocean Surf, Icy Blast and more – but the difficult-to-find unscented version is available at the same price as the “regular” and other scented versions.
Likewise, Amtrak, provides a “Quiet Car” on many of its corridor trains. The quiet car offers a library-like haven from the loud conversations, cell-phone calls, and other distractions found on the train’s regular cars. It’s a base offering (standard cars) minus an aspect of that offering – noise. Although Amtrak provides a product-minus service that a subset of passengers clearly values, quiet car seats are priced the same as seats on the other cars.
Removing components of a base offering and upping the price is a model similar to “reverse positioning” described by Harvard Business School’s Youngme Moon. But unlike that model, the product-minus approach does not introduce new features – it simply subtracts existing ones and leaves it at that. Mennen and Amtrak could probably charge a higher price for their product-minus offerings. The key is to make the value exchange explicit. Consumers will launch a scorched-earth social media attack on any company they think is exploiting them, or they’ll simply defect (remember Netflix’s Qwikster debacle?). A product-minus strategy has to clear a high bar for value because it can so easily look (and actually be) exploitative. Tim Wu, writing in the New Yorker, describes the airlines’ strategy of making the base offering so degraded that customers will pay a fee to escape it. “In order for fees to work,” he writes “there needs be something worth paying to avoid.” The soul-crushing fight for overhead space (now a standard aspect of the base offering) can be removed — for a price. Just check your luggage. But airline customers don’t feel that they’re getting value in this deal. They feel they’re being bilked.
On the flip side, customers will willingly pay for a product-minus offering that they feel is fair and delivers real value. A really good cup of decaf coffee will be worth a few cents more to some customers – particularly if the supplier emphasizes the care and costs that go into the process. Making scarce scent-free Speed Stick easier to find, and highlighting the absence of potentially irritating additives, could justify a premium. And a quiet car whose norms are vigorously enforced by the train crew is surely worth a few bucks. Allow customers to reserve quiet-car seats and the value would climb further.
How AT&T customers respond to its pricey tracking opt-out policy is an experiment in progress. Since the company rolled out a similar plan in Austin a year ago most people choose the cheaper service says a company spokesperson, giving up privacy in order to save money. If consumers feel that’s a fair deal, it could work. But if they come to feel that AT&T shouldn’t be spying on them in the first place, and resent paying extra for their privacy, the company stands to lose more than a little revenue.